The story of CBA of Kansas: Trust, relationships and real solutions

We know that your families, schools and businesses are best served by a local bank, so we support you in your efforts to enhance the vitality of your community. With tightening regulations and higher costs in banking, you need an advocate working for you.

You choose community. We do, too.

You choose community, knowing that trust, relationships and a commitment to one another is a better and more rewarding way of doing business. We are dedicated to supporting you every step of the way in that decision.

Better together.

Since 1978, CBA of Kansas has been partnering with Kansas community banks like yours in order to make us all stronger and better equipped to serve local needs. We do this through face-to-face conversations and a trusted relationship with each of our membership banks.

To learn more about how CBA of Kansas members are like “family,” view our 40th Anniversary Convention video here:

Led by community bankers.

The leadership at CBA of Kansas offers years of high-impact experience. Shawn Mitchell, a 23-year community banker and past bank president, brings years of community bank leadership experience to CBA of Kansas. CBA is a community banker led association (board) and community banker run. Members on CBA of Kansas committees and those who participate as Associate members also provide an extended leadership circle throughout the year.

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