CBS Services
Completely Dedicated to Kansas Community Banks
Community Bankers Services of Kansas (CBS) mission is to enhance the profitability of community banks by marketing quality products and services. CBS was formed in 2008 by the Community Bankers Association of Kansas (CBA) leadership, a group of dedicated community bankers who realized that providing CBA members with a competitive advantage through improved access to essential bank products and services was vital to serving its mission of fostering a viable community banking profession.
A Community Bankers Services of Kansas (CBS) Initiative to Add Value for CBA Members
Services Exclusively for Community Banks
Your community bank has so much to offer: all the conveniences of a big national bank, but with the friendly service of a local bank. Through CBS, ABS and SJC Marketing offer solutions customized for community banking that benefit both your bank and all members of CBA of Kansas! You get special discounts and packaging only available to CBA of Kansas members.