Now may be the most important time for a seamless in-bank compliance program.

There’s Never Been a Better Time to Solve Compliance Challenges … Seamlessly, and Quickly. Find Out Why the 2022 CBC Program Can Be Incredibly Valuable to Your Bank and Your Team.

The CBC is a proven method to reduce the risk of regulatory actions against your bank for reasons such as failure to establish a valid compliance management program or failure to provide adequate compliance training. Plus, CBA Members receive a 60% Cost Savings!

CBC Benefits
Built For Cost SavingsThe program is built to help you truly streamline regulatory tasks with utmost accuracy – while saving on compliance costs at the same time. Enroll as a bank, not just an individual member. Plus, CBA Members receive a 60% savings!
Resources at Your FingertipsThe Compliance Hotline and online resource are available for fast answers at your fingertips - perfect for remote employees.
Keep Detailed ManualsA detailed manual will be electronically sent to each participant prior to the seminar date for easy reference.
Quarterly Webinars and Live SeminarsEach webinar and seminar will discuss current news and regulatory changes that may have an impact on community banks.

Read full 2022 CBC brochure here: Compliance Program Brochure and Registration 

Enroll today by calling us at (785) 271-1404, or here:
Compliance Program Brochure and Registration.
(Plus, find out about significant cost savings).

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